Shaah (Somali Tea) and Somali Sweets

Shaah (Somali Tea) and Somali Sweets Shaah 2 teabags 6 cardamom pods 6 cloves 1 cinnamon stick 5 thin slices of ginger 2 cups water 1/4 c. sugar 1 cup milk 1. In a kettle, add the teabags and the water. 2. Crush the cardamom, cloves, and the cinnamon using a pedestle and mortar. 3. Add the crushed spices, ginger, and sugar to the kettle. 4. Once it has boiled, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. 5. Add the milk and gently bring to another boil. NOTE: * I use a little metal strainer when pouring into a teapot. That way I don't get any pieces in the pot. * You can omit the sugar and milk while cooking and just have it on the side. Somali Sweets Shushumu Kac Kac